Join & Support These Organizations if you Care for Your Cars


The following organizations are among those most active in efforts to protect, preserve, and promote the automotive repair industry and the collector-car hobby.

We urge everyone to support at least one or two of these groups, as well as your local car clubs and the national car clubs most closely aligned with your interests.

The cost of membership in these clubs & organizations is miniscule in comparison to your investments in your cars, and in comparison to what we'll all lose if misguided laws and regulations cripple the collector car hobby. You don't have to be the world's most super-active member, but your memberships will be important, for example, when club officers testify in legislative hearings and are asked how many club members they represent.

Act now... Preventive maintenance is a whole lot more effective and less expensive than repairing catastrophic damage from situations let run too far amok!

Pro Discussions - Consumers Welcome! The place where Insurance. Legal and Repair Professionals interact for their mutual benefit and that of the Consumers they serve. Communication between professionals is the basis of this web site. 

Auto Muse - Automotive legal and consumer issues.

The CCRE - Coalition for Collision Repair Excellence is unique in its structure and efforts to benefit the Collision Repair industry and the consumers we serve. theCCRE is a PURE collision repair industry effort.

Stop Steering - A grassroot effort website designed to help stop the insurance company practice of steering consumers to insurance direct repair shops. The website provides helpful information for the consumer.

Archive of Documents - Found at the website maintained by Princeton Auto body,

Auto Restoration Market Organization (ARMO)

Council of SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association)

Legislative Affairs PO Box 4910

Diamond Bar, California 91765-0910

909-396-0289 FAX 909-860-0184

ARMO (Automotive Restoration Market Organization) is a council of the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), which is an association of some 2,500 producers and marketers of specialty equipment products and services for the automotive aftermarket Members include everybody from General Motors down to one man businesses.

SEMA's mission is "To help our members' businesses succeed and prosper." This is done by: offering proactive leadership delivering programs, activities and information in response to the on-going and emerging needs of our members; emphasizing education to help members focus and achieve acceptable world-class quality standards; legislative and regulator advocacy; and producing the industry's leading trade show.

Coalition for Auto Repair Equality (CARE)

119 Oronoco Street, Suite 300

Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2015

703-519-7555 800-229-5380 FAX 703-519-7747 

CARE was formed in 1991 to defeat a promonopoly, anti-consumer, anti-aftermarket bill in Congress, HR 1790, The Design Innovation and Technology Act. With help from aftermarket friends, the bill was killed in Committee. CARE's focus now is to stop Junker-Clunker bills. CARE was instrumental in bringing California's Junker-Clunker bill, SB 100, to the attention of Californians. CARE President David Parde met with several California Assemblymen and spoke with the Governor's aides. Governor Pete Wilson (R) vetoed that bill on October 10th.

CARE supporters are car hobbyists, clubs and individuals, and all vehicle owners who want to ensure that anti-motorist legislation is not passed. CARE is financed through aftermarket companies, not individual donations. CARE services and literature are free.

Council Of Vehicle Associations and Classic Vehicle Advocate Group, Inc

PO Box 2136 West Paterson,

New Jersey 07424-3311

800-CARS-166 or 973-881-8838 FAX 973-279-3779

Email: or or


COVA / CVAG, Inc is a proactive association of (at last count) 225 car clubs, 15 state car-club councils, 33 companies, and 765 individuals-COVA / CVAG, Inc thus presently represents over 70,000 hobbyists across the country.

To promote and protect the hobby COVA / CVAG, Inc engages in research, writing, and serving as an information resource for people & organizations nationwide. In addition to contributing pieces to various other publications, COVA / CVAG, Inc publishes a monthly newsletter which "has received much applause for promoting the hobby and making hobbyists aware of what is going on."

Memberships range from $25 up depending upon category and types of services members wish. Please call COVAICVAG, Inc at the number above.

National Motorists Association (NMA)

402 West 2nd Street Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597

Membership into: 800-882-2785 Administrative office: 608-849-6000 FAX 608-849-8697

Email  web site:

The NMA was established in 1982 for the purpose of representing the interests of auto enthusiasts, collectors, and the general driving population. The NMA is a grass roots politically oriented organization that operates at the federal, state, and local levels. Financial support is primarily derived from membership dues and contribution & Members receive a bimonthly newsletters a published guide to state and provincial traffic laws; assistance with traffic tickets; free legal consultation and reduced attorney fees; and special legislative alerts. Legislative efforts are conducted through a system of state chapters, designated activists, and a professional lobbyist in Washington, DC. A partial list of NMA issues includes: traffic regulation, emissions mandates, automotive related taxation, highway funding, vehicle equipment requirements, auto insurance, and traffic law enforcement. It was largely through the NMA's efforts that speed limit authority was returned to the states in 1995. Membership dues are: individual, $29; family, $39; business, $65.

Citizens Against Repressive Zoning (CARZ)

President PO Box 536

Flaslett, Michigan 48840 517-351-6751

FAX 517-339-4926 Email:

CARZ is an organization designed to help car collectors, or any landowner, fight unreasonable and unconstitutional nuisance-zoning codes, rules, and regulations. Support consists of donations & copies of cases wherein landowners have won against nuisance zoning. CARZ hopes to establish a chapter in every state to unearth zoning cites (especially unpublished local cases), and create a directory of attorneys in all states who are conversant with nuisance zoning. CARZ currently publishes 66 bulletins on how to understand and fight anti-auto zoning. The bulletins are $45, membership dues are $15, and $55 includes both membership and bulletins. Send us a large SASE and we'll send you our brochure and our catalogue of publications.

To be on CARZ's mailing list, send $10 for a year's subscription, which includes newsletters and announcement & Contact person for mailing list is , 121 Croton Park Rd, Cortland Manor, New York, 10566; PH: 914-739-0268; FAX: 914-734. 1258.

Clean Air Performance Professionals (CAPP)

Public Relations 84 Hoy Avenue

Fords, New Jersey 08863 732-738-7859

FAX 732-738-7625 Email:

CAPP is an award-winning international coalition interested in protecting personal property and the environment CAPP was created in 1991 to promote common sense inspection and maintenance programs and is proactive in righting for the collector car bobby. Membership dues are $60 annually which includes a monthly newsletter. For more information, contact Stella Pyriek, Biond at the above address.

SEMA Action Network (SAN)


SEMA Action Network

1317 F Street NW, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20004 202-783-6007

FAX 202-783-6024

Email: web site:

SAN is a nationwide partnership between car clubs and the specialty auto parts industry designed to help fight legislative threats to the automotive bobby and support favorable laws. Members pay no fees or dues but do receive timely notice of legislative and regulatory developments, sample letters and talking points for communicating with state legislators, and a copy of the monthly newsletter, The Driving Force.

United groups of automobile enthusiasts are a proven political force. Members can use SAN information in their club newsletters and at meets and rallies. Fight to protect the hobby!

Write Your Senators & Representatives.,

Readers wishing to write their Senators, or any other US Senator, on topics of importance to the col lector car hobby, can use the following address: Honorable (name).., (state).. US Senate

Washington, DC 20510

To write to your Congressional Representative, address:

Honorable (name)______, (state)_____, US House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515

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